Thomas Beaney

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Thomas Beaney

Thomas Beaney

Academic GP

Imperial College London

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I am a GP working in the NHS and an academic based at Imperial College London. I have diverse range of research interests, including hypertension, global and public health and health services research. I am currently completing a clinical PhD at Imperial College funded by the Wellcome Trust exploring patterns of multimorbidity (having two or more long-term conditions at the same time) and whether groups or "clusters" of people with similar diseases have similarities in how they interact with healthcare services.

Current Projects

Characterising clusters of multimorbidity

My PhD aims to explore clusters of similar diseases and people with similar diseases based on the co-occurrence of diseases in one person, and associations with clinical outcomes and healthcare utilisation. More information on my PhD research can be found here.

May Measurement Month

I am a Trustee and Lead Statistician for the May Measurement Month global blood pressure screening campaign. The campaign started in 2017 and has screened over 5 million people worldwide, detecting over 1 million cases of raised blood pressure. More information on the campaign can be found here.

Digital health research

In 2021-2023 I worked on an evaluation of the impact of COVID oximetry @home, an NHS programme which provided people at high risk of complications from COVID-19 with a portable pulse oximeter to monitor their oxygen levels at home. I also worked on an evaluation of the impact of remote consultations in primary and secondary care in London during the pandemic.

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