Current Employment


Clinical Research Fellow                                                                    December 2021 to current

Imperial College London, London, W6 8RP

1.     Department of Primary Care and Public Health

2.     Department of Mathematics

Funding: Wellcome Trust 4i programme at Imperial College

PhD title: Characterising clusters of multimorbidity and associations with clinical outcomes and healthcare utilisation


General Practitioner                                                                           February 2021 to current

Parkview Practice, London, W12 7FG


Employment History


Deputy Theme Lead for Digital Health                                                                                2021

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Northwest London, W6 8RP


Clinical Fellow in Primary Care                                                                                           2021

Imperial College London, London, W6 8RP

1.     Department of Primary Care and Public Health

2.     NIHR Patient Safety Translational Research Centre


NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship in General Practice                                               2017-2021

Imperial College London

Including rotations in:

1.     Old Age Psychiatry (West London Mental Health Trust)

2.     Public Health (NHS England and Public Health England)

3.     General Practice Innovative Training Programme (Elizabeth Avenue Group Practice, N1 3BS and The King’s Fund, W1G 0AN)

4.     Academic Clinical Fellow in General Practice (Parkview Practice, London, W12 7FG and Imperial College London)


Core Medical Trainee                                                                                                2016-2017

South London Deanery

Including rotations in:

1.     Oncology (Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton)

2.     Gastroenterology (Epsom Hospital, Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals)


Foundation Year 2                                                                                                    2014-2015

University Hospital Lewisham, Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust

1.     General Psychiatry (South London and the Maudsley NHS Trust)

2.     Geriatric Medicine

3.     Emergency Medicine


Foundation Year 1                                                                                                    2013-2014

St Peter’s Hospital, Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Trust

1.     Trauma & Orthopaedics/Orthogeriatrics

2.     Respiratory Medicine

3.     Cardiology



University Education


Postgraduate Certificate in University Learning and Teaching                                    2019-2020

Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ                                                                                            

·       Awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)


MSc Medical Statistics                                                                                              2015-2016

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, WC1E 7HT

Dissertation title: Impact of different timescales on overall survival, and determinants of survival in women with breast cancer in sub-Saharan Africa

·       Graduated with Distinction and a GPA of 4.83 (out of 5)

·       Winner of the PSI Andrew Hewitt Prize for the best student on the course

·       Awarded a Royal Statistical Society Prize in respect of performance

·       Awarded a National Institute for Health Research Scholarship


Graduate-Entry Medicine                                                                                          2009-2013

Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ

·       MBBS 2013

·       Distinction in Surgery

·       Distinction in Clinical Sciences


Bachelor of Arts                                                                                                        2006-2009

King’s College, University of Cambridge, CB2 1ST

Upper Second Class

·       2008 – 2009: Immunology, Microbiology & Parasitology, Biological Anthropology

·       Dissertation title: What are the prospects for the eradication of Schistosomiasis?

·       2007 – 2008: Biochemistry, Pathology, History & Philosophy of Science

·       2006 – 2007: Mathematics, Physics, Materials Science, Biology of Cells

·       Awarded Master of Arts 2013



Professional Memberships


Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP)                          February 2021

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)                                              September 2020

Member of the Royal College of Physicians of London (MRCP)                                March 2017

Member of the Royal Statistical Society (GradStat)                                           December 2016



Scholarships and Awards


National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Scholarship                                         2015-2016

Awarded a Research Methods scholarship for full fees and stipend from the NIHR for an MSc in Medical Statistics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.


Imperial College Teaching Hero                                                                                         2014

Awarded by Imperial College for the contribution to undergraduate medical teaching at Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals, in particular for the organisation and commitment to delivering an EMQ course for Year 3 students.


Sir George Pinker Scholarship – Imperial College London                                           2009-2011

Awarded an admission scholarship for Graduate Medicine for outstanding interview performance and submission of a précis on the success of the human genome project.



Selected Conferences and Courses


1.     Neural Information Processing Systems 2022                             November-December 2022

New Orleans, USA                                                                                                                    

2.     Royal College of General Practitioners Annual Conference                                    June 2022

London, UK

3.     Health Services Research UK                                                                                 July 2022

Sheffield, UK

4.     Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Annual conference                          June 2021

Online conference

5.     European Society of Hypertension / International Society of Hypertension 2021   April 2021

Online conference

6.     Public Health Masters modules                                                                           2020-2021

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

·       Introduction to Health Economics

·       Economic Evaluation                                                                                                       

7.     Machine Learning with Python short course                                   October-December 2020

Goldsmiths, University of London

8.     World Congress on Public Health                                                                    October 2020

Online conference

9.     British Journal of General Practice Research Conference                                    March 2020

London, UK

10.  Royal College of General Practitioners Annual Conference                              October 2019

Liverpool, UK

11.  Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Conference 2019:                                     February 2019

Saving Hearts and Minds Together

Manchester, UK

12.  Hypertension 2018                                                                                     September 2018

Beijing, China

13.  European Society of Cardiology Congress                                                          August 2018

Munich, Germany



Supervisory roles


PhD Theses

I have co-supervised the following PhD theses:

1.     Online services in NHS England General Practices. Abrar Alturkistani (2020-2023).




BSc in Global Health

1.     A qualitative study of factors influencing clinician use of hypertension guidelines in different resource settings – Amelia Kataria-Golestaneh (2020)

2.     Variation in Hypertension Guidelines: A Global ComparisonRichu Philip (2020)


Master of Public Health

1.     Exploring the impact of service disruption for respiratory and dermatology cancer pathways, actions taken and lessons learnt from primary to secondary care in North-West London and West Midlands during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. Shih-Ching Huang (2021).

2.     How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the diagnostic referral activity in radiology departments and imaging services in London, UK? Ugbad Elmi (2021).

3.     Disruption to Referral Pathways for Patients with Symptoms Suspicious for a Cancer Diagnosis in Urban Cities in the UK, USA, and Australia. Ajay Jagjivan (2021).

4.     May Measurement Month: Investigating blood pressure variation with time of day, temperature and altitude. Jaspriya Dhillon (2021)

5.     Analyses of May Measurement Month for South Asian Ethnicities: A Global Blood Pressure Screening Campaign. Elizabeth Kamarade (2021).

6.     The Impacts of Social Restrictions on Physical Activity among Older Adults Living in London During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Conall Green (2021).

7.     The short and medium term impacts on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis from the CHARIOT COVID-19 Rapid Response study. Subarna Chakraborty (2021)

8.     A comparative profile of MMM screenees with and without a past medical history of myocardial infarction. Xinyi Liu (2019).

9.     A comparative profile of May Measurement Month (MMM) screenee with diabetes. Yu Bai (2019).

10.  A Comparative Profile of May Measurement Month Screenees with and without a Past Medical History of Stroke. Queran Lin (2019)


MSc Epidemiology

1.     May Measurement Month: an analysis of variability in consecutive blood pressure readings. Gabriele Kerr (2021)

2.     The association between national hypertension prevalence, treatment, and control rates in MMM and national stroke mortality statistics. Tingxi Ye (2019)




For a list of all publications, please see:




1.     Beaney T, Clarke J. Does place-based care matter to primary care in the post COVID-19 digital age? Link:

2.     Beaney T, Salman D, Vishnubala D, McGregor AH, Majeed A. The effects of isolation on the physical and mental health of older adults. The BMJ Opinion (2020). Link:

3.     Beaney T. Tackling HIV stigma in the health service. The King’s Fund (December 2018). Link:

4.     Beaney T & Allen L. What’s the role of general practice in addressing population health? The King’s Fund (January 2019). Link:


Presentations and invited lectures



1.     Combining multiple approaches in the evaluation of healthcare services:

lessons learned from COVID-19 remote home monitoring services                         July 2022

Workshop presenter and panel member

Health Services Research UK, Sheffield, UK


2.     People and place: understanding differences between registered patient lists and geographical catchments in Primary Care Networks in England   June 2022

27th WONCA European conference 2022, London


3.     The associations between hypertension and stroke from May Measurement       April 2021

Month (MMM) and between national MMM hypertension parameters

with stroke mortality from the Global Burden of Disease

European Society of Hypertension / International Society of Hypertension 2021


4.     May Measurement Month 2019: key results                                                        April 2021

European Society of Hypertension / International Society of Hypertension 2021

·       Presentation as an invited speaker


5.     May Measurement Month: 2018                                                       20-23 September 2018

Hypertension 2018, Beijing, China.

·       Invited to attend as a distinguished invited speaker


6.     May Measurement Month: 2017                                                              25-29 August 2018

European Society of Cardiology Congress 2018, Munich, Germany.

·       Invited as a faculty member to present at the ESC annual congress


7.     May Measurement Month: Overview of results from 2017                     19-21 January 2018

May Measurement Month Investigator Meeting, Dorking, Surrey



1.     Predictors of healthcare utilisation in children:                                              16th June 2021

a population segmentation approach in Northwest London

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Annual conference


2.     A primary care network analysis:                                                               12th March 2020

natural communities of general practices in London

British Journal of General Practice Research Conference 2020





Available on request